We are clearing out many of our catalogs. Most are one of a kind, so order quickly to ensure you receive what you want. Even though some are dated, they all are great for reference and for finding items not in Scott. Shipping is extra and will be billed at actual cost.
Scott 2020, 1840-1940, Classic Catalog, hardbound, $75
Scottt 2020 US Specialized, $45
Scott 2018 Classic, hardbound $50.
Scott 2014 US Specialized in full color $20.
Scott 2010 US Specialized in full color $10.
Scott 2010 Volumes 1-6 complete, $95.
Stanley Gibbons 1984 Central America and South America catalogs (1984--second edition) $20
Michel, South America A-I and K-Z 2013-2014 , two volumes $100
Michel, Central America 2010 $40
Michel, Central and North America 1995 $20
Michel, South America 1996 $20
Michel, Caribbean Islands 1994, $20
Yvert et Tellier--Overseas, complete set of latest catalogs (7 volumes) ranging from 2008-2014, all are the latest volumes printed, like new $300
Yvert et Tellier, volume 3, 2006 Overseas, Dominica to Guatemala, $30 net NEW.
Higgins & Gage Letters B, C, H and S (covers quite a bit of Latin America. On 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 paper, three hole punched. $40.
Kneitschel "Catálogo de los sellos postales de la República Argentina y Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Corrientes Entre Rios (5th Edition) 1952. Like new. A must have for the serious student of Argentine philately and hard to find $150
Sellos postales 98 (1856-1998) Republica Argentina by Daniel Hugo MelloTeggia, softbound and comprehensive $30.
Jalil auction catalogs, from 1997, 2000 and 2001. Nice reference material, profusely illustrated $10
1988 Cefilco catalog, a very comprehensive listing of Bolivian stamps and varieties, a must for any serious collector of Bolivia $30
"Catalogo de selos do Brasil 1974, Filatelia Brasileira, Dr Francisco Schiffer, 32nd edition $10
Catalogo de sellos chilenos, Sergio Heise Fuenzalida and Aldechi Luksic Savoia. Nice small, specialized catalog of the stamps of Chile, $10.
RHM 1994, Catalogo de Selos do Brasil,Volume 3, 1967-1993, great reference catalog listing all regular issues, errors, paper varieties, booklets, etc. $25.
1978 Alvaro Barriga Catalog, spiral bound $10
1984 Alvaro Barriga Catalog, spiral bound $10
1985 Alvaro Barriga Catalog, spiral bound $10
1985 Leon Temprano Catalog $10
Costa Rica Postal Catalogue Fourth Edition 2014 by Hector Mena, an indispensible reference for serious collectors of Costa Rica. It is over 300 pages in length and lists stamps, stationery, proofs, etc...with varieties illustrated and clearly explained. No pricing but contains quantities printed of all issues known. $35
EDIFIL, Catalogo general de emisiones postales 1974, $5.
EDIFIL, Catalogo Sellos de Cuba 1992 $20.
The Postage Stamps of Mexico 1856-1868 by Samuel Chapman, 376 pages, cloth, the Quarterman 1976 reprint, $165.00
Proofs, Essays, Sample, Specimen & Test Stamps of Mexico, 1979 edtion, MEPSI, 2 pages $1. creases and folds
Michel 1974 specialized catalog $15
Catalogue of Puerto Rico Revenues:US Administration, September 1898 to Present, by Gregg Greenwald $95
Dario Ciardi and Carlos Hernandez Auction catalogs from the 1990s, Sale #s 30,34,35,38,39,43,44 and 53. Also Uruguay Philatelic Club auction catalogs July 1995, May 1996, Oct 1997, July 1998. Great reference material, 12 in all$20.
World Paper Money Modern Issues 1961-Present, 16th Edition (2010) $15
General Interest
Philatelic Exhibitors' Handbook, by Randy Neil, like new, $25
Linns Philatelic Gems 1, 2, and 3 in a slip case, $25 appear to be brand new
Linns Philatelic Gems 4 still in shrink wrap $10
Postal History of the Forwarding Agents, by Kenneth Rowe, like new $40
The Inverted Jenny: Money, Mystery, Mania by George Amick, new hardbound, $20
Linn's The World's Greatest Rarities and More of the World's Greatest Rarities (2 hardbound books), in a slip case, like new $40
American Stampless Cover Catalog, Volume I, II, III, new $150/set
The Camina Collection of Texas Postal History, Robert A Siegel Auction catalog, Februrary 24-25, 1994, 222 pages, hundreds of illustrations $35
Civil War Prisons and their Covers by Earl Antrim, 215 pages, loaded with illustrations, in excellent condtion, $40
Confederate Handstamp Paids by Morris Everett, 1981, softbound, cover discolored, otherwise in great shape, 44 pages $25
Confederate Patriotic Covers and Their Usages by Benjamin Wishnietsky, profusely illustrated, some in color, hardbound 144 pages $75
Confederate Postmasters in Texas by Grover C Ramsey, like new $20
The Confederate States two-Cent Red-Jack Intaglio Stamp by Brian Green, softbound, $20
The Confederate States Ten-Cent Rose Lithograph and The Confederate States Ten Cent Blue Lithograph, both books staple bound, $15
Duck stamps, untitled 2 volume hardcover book showing illustrations of all game, fish, and duck stamps for all 50 states, Canada and US territories through 1987. Handwritten note indicates the author is David Curtis. $195
The Frontier Postmasters by Homer Stephen 1952. staple bound, 104 pages, in good shape, $40
Handbook of Fish and Game Stamps by E L Vanderford, soft spiral bound with listings through 1973 $65
Similar to Handbook above, but with letters from E L Vanderford added throughout including listings through the 1980s, in a spiral binder, $95
The State Revenuer, Jan/Feb 1991, issue 65, $6
North Atlantic Mail Sailings 1840-75, Walter Hubbard and Richard F Winter, new, profusely illustrated $75
The Overland Mail by LeRoy R Hafen, like new, $40
Postal Markings by Harry M. Konwiser, 762 pages, like new $95
The Ryohei Isihikawa Collection, United States Stamps and Covers, Christie's Auction Catalog, Sept. 28-29, 1993, hardcover, 365 pages $40
The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, October 1916, with an article on the Postal System of the Republic of Texas by W L Newsom, softbound but showing its age, $20
The Texas Philatelist, Vol. 39 No.2, March/April 1991, $5
The Types and Varieties of the United States Ten Cent Issues of 1855-1859 by Edward Hesly & Alfred Diamond, staple bound, 12 pages $5
The United States One Cent Issue of 1851-1857 by W V Kenworthy & Alfred Diamond, staple bound 24 pages, $5
The United States Stamp 1847-1869, Ryohei Isikawa Collection. An amazingly beautiful book with all illustrations in full color, showing the Ishikawa collection, pages are not numbered, but approximately 150 pages. $195
Andorra and Monaco
Michel 1979 catalog, $5.
Yvert & Tellier CD Rom Interactive Collection, 2011 edition, brand new, $15.
Posted in Gibraltar, 122 pages plus 20 pages 1983 supplement in hardbound book, like new, $35
The Message Carriers of Cadiz 1830-1860 by s Nathan, profusely illustrated, $25
Los Cosarios de Cadiz entre 1830 y 1860 by S Nathan, profusely illustrated, Like new $25
The Postal History of Tibet by Arnold C. Waterfall, 1981, 188 pages, many drawings and illustrations, a very useful guide $35
Sikkim Tibet 1903-1908 (Postal History of Indian Campaigns by D S Virk, hardcover, 144 pages, published in India, $50
Tibet Third Series Platin Study by Frealon Bibbins, 62 pages, each plate position shown in enlargement, very nice $40
United Kingdom Letter Rates 1657-1900 Inland & Overseas, by C Tabeart, softbound, like new $25